Organizer |
PD Dr.rer.nat Florian Röhrbein |
Module |
IN2107 |
Type |
Research Seminar |
Semester |
WS 2015/16 |
4.0 |
2 |
Room |
03.07.011 or 03.07.023 |
Time |
Thursday, 9:00 |
- The HBP in the news: see below...
- please use the following template for your written report
- closing date for all reports is Feb 6
* Learning or De-Learning - How Motor Circuits Develop: In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass ein Grossteil der neuronalen Verbindungen und Neuronen kurz vor/nach der Geburt abstirbt, stellt sich die Frage, ob wir Bewegungen überhaupt erlernen. Alternativ haben wir erst einmal alle Bewegungen ge-coded, und verlernen dann einfach nur einige Kombinationen.
* Reservoir computing on dedicated HW
* Applications of Deep Learning in Robotics
* Applications of Reservoir Computing in Robotics
* Overview and comparison of existing software / tools for neural simulations
* Neural plasticity for robotic information streams
* Active Touch Sensing
* Robotics for Neuroscientists – more than just a mechanical test platform for neural hypotheses?
* Compliant Actuators – more than just a vestigiality?
* Much ado about nothing – do artificial neural circuits improve robotics control?
Date |
Presenter |
Topic |
22.10.2015 |
Florian Röhrbein |
Intro & Overview |
29.10.2015 |
Rebekka Seltmann |
Simulating a biologically inspired computational model of the hippocampus on SpiNNaker slides |
05.11.2015 |
Maximilian Mahlberg |
Attention in Visual Processing + Gesture Tracking with iCub slides |
12.11.2015 |
Philipp Stratmann |
Spike-timing dependent plasticity slides |
19.11.2015 |
no class |
5th Neurorobotics Performance Show @Karlsruhe |
26.11.2015 |
Alina Roitberg |
The Neurorobotics Platform slides |
03.12.2015 |
no class |
Dies Academicus |
10.12.2015 |
Annika Wollschläger |
Braitenberg Vehicles slides |
07.01.2016 |
Florian Röhrbein |
round-table discussion with short presentations |
14.01.2016 |
Carolina Brunnett |
Review of Musculosceletal Actuators slides |
21.01.2016 |
Martin Mihaylov |
Applications of Deep Learning in Robotics slides |
Ayaka Yamada (Tokyo Univ.) |
Musculoskeletal Simulator slides |
28.01.2016 |
Lars Kipferl |
Review of Musculosceletal Models slides |
04.02.2016 |
Vadim Lopatkin |
Implementation of a walking algorithm for the NR platform slides |
11.02.2016 |
Maximilian Mahlberg, Jakob Hirscheider |
Update on Master Theses |
18.02.2016 |
no class |
6th Neurorobotics Performance Show @Geneva |
25.02.2016 |
Alexander Vandesompele |
The Hippocampal output system in awake animals slides |
03.03.2016 |
Georgi Dikov |
Event-based stereo vision with spiking neural networks |
Eva Siehmann |
Introduction to mouse anatomy slides |
10.03.2016 |
no class |
Seminar "Future robotics and dual use" @Paris |
17.03.2016 |
no class |
Event "Future Emerging Art and Technology" @Amsterdam |
31.03.2016 |
Guang Chen, Alexander Kuhn |
Past Projects & Future Plans |
Description & Material
For information on HBP Neurorobotics see
In the news: "Zehn Ideen, die die Welt verändern werden", see