Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Seminar Human-Robot Interaction

Veranstalter Dr. Manuel Giuliani, Andre Gaschler, M.Sc.
Modul IN8901
Typ Hauptseminar
Semester WS 2012/2013
ECTS 4.0
Vorbesprechung -
Zeit & Ort Montag 10 - 12 Uhr, MI 03.07.023
Schein erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Seminar



Human-robot interaction (HRI) is an active field of research. For successful HRI, knowledge and methods from various research directions have to be combined: the robot has to be able to recognise and track objects and persons in its environment, it needs to be able to understand utterances by its human partner, and it needs to be able to generate appropriate verbal and nonverbal responses to the human. This seminar gives a general overview of the challenges that arise in HRI and shows methods to solve these challenges.

Each participating student will have to prepare a 30 minute presentation, showing slides (PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, PDF) and presenting one of the topics listed below. The presentation needs to be sent to the seminar supervisors one week before the actual presentation date. Presentations can be held in either German or English.

Additionally, the presenters need to write a summary of their talk. The resulting document should be between 10 and 20 pages long and needs to be sent as a PDF document to the supervisors. Deadline for the summary is January 15th, 2013.

Besides the presentation and the written summary, the students have to be present at all seminar dates to successfully participate in the seminar.


Q: Will this course be helt in English or German?
A: The main language of this course will be English (unless all students are fluent in German). Students can choose if they want to hold their talk in English or German.

Q: Where can I find references for my talk?
A: We provide one or two references as a starting point, but we expect all students to look for more material for their talk. Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search are good websites to search for more references. Please find the instructions to access scientific papers at and

Q: How do I write the seminar paper for my topic?
A: There is a good document available here, which gives a nice summary on how to write a seminar paper. Please note, this document is not written by the seminar organisers, but by Dirk Thißen.


If you are interested in participating in the seminar send an e-mail to Manuel Giuliani ( Your email should contain the following information:

Presentation Topics

The following list is not fixed, if you are interested in other topics that are related to human-robot interaction, please email Manuel Giuliani ( to discuss your ideas.

Date Title Speaker Supervisor References to get you started
05.11.12 Introduction Manuel Giuliani, Andre Gaschler    
12.11.12 Social Robotics Ameer Abdulsalam Manuel Giuliani Cynthia Breazeal, Atsuo Takanishi, Tetsunori Kobayashi: Social Robots that Interact with People (Springer Handbook of Robotics). Fong, T. and Nourbakhsh, I. and Dautenhahn, K.: A survey of socially interactive robots. Springer Handbook of Robotics Chap. 58
12.11.12 Human-friendly robots Lukas Trautner Andre Gaschler Springer Handbook of Robotics Chap. 57. GA Pratt: Series elastic actuators.
12.11.12 Robot motion planning Daniela Bayer Andre Gaschler . Lydia E. Kavraki, Steven M. LaValle: Motion Planning (Springer Handbook of Robotics)
19.11.12 Robot architectures Kai Klinker Andre Gaschler David Kortenkamp, Reid Simmons: Robotic Systems Architectures and Programming (Springer Handbook of Robotics). Morgan Quigley et al: ROS: an open-source Robot Operating System . Nader Mohamed, Jameela Al-Jaroodi, and Imad Jawhar: Middleware for Robotics: A Survey. Molaletsa Namoshe, N S Tlale, C M Kumile, G. Bright: Open middleware for robotics.  
19.11.12 Person Tracking Andreas Bigontina Andre Gaschler Q. Cai and J. K. Aggarwal: Tracking Human Motion Using Multiple Cameras. D. M. Gavrila: The Visual Analysis of Human Movement A Survey, Thomas B. Moeslund. Adrian Hilton b, Volker Kruger: A survey of advances in vision-based human motion capture and analysis. Fabrice Caillette and Toby Howard: Real-Time Markerless Human Body Tracking with Multi-View 3-D Voxel Reconstruction
19.11.12 Human Action Recognition Jun-Heui Cho Andre Gaschler J. Yamato, J. Ohya, and K. Ishii: Recognizing human action in time-sequential images using hidden markov model. C. Lenz, A. Sotzek, T. Röder, H. Radrich, A. Knoll, M. Huber, S. Glasauer: Human workflow analysis using 3d occupancy grid hand tracking in a human-robot collaboration scenario
26.11.12 Object Recognition Amin Ahantab Andre Gaschler Lowe, D. G: Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints. B. Schiele and J. L. Crowley: Recognition without correspondence using multidimensional receptive field histograms. B. Schiele and J. L. Crowley: Recognition without correspondence using multidimensional receptive field histograms. Kostas Daniilidis, Jan-Olof Eklundh: 3-D Vision and Recognition (Springer Handbook of Robotics Chap. 23)
26.11.12 Object Manipulation Ljubomir Dshevlekov Andre Gaschler Springer Handbook of Robotics Chap 26--28
26.11.12 Speech recognition Tobias Gurdan Manuel Giuliani L. Rabiner, B. Juang. An introduction to hidden Markov models. ASSP Magazine, IEEE, Volume 3, Number 1, pages 4-16. 1986
03.12.12 Speech processing Dennis Mund Manuel Giuliani M. Steedman, J. Baldridge. Combinatory Categorial Grammar. Non-Transformational Syntax. pages 181-224. 2003
03.12.12 Multimodal Fusion Marie Melissopoulos Manuel Giuliani M. Johnston and S. Bangalore. Finite-state multimodal parsing and understanding. In Proceedings of the 18th conference on Computational linguistics-Volume 1, pp 369-375, 2000
03.12.12 Natural Language Generation Evgeni Pavlidis Manuel Giuliani Dale, Robert; Reiter, Ehud (2000). Building natural language generation systems. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
10.12.12 Speech synthesis Vlad Popa Manuel Giuliani Sami Lemmetty: Review of Speech Synthesis Technology.
10.12.12 Dialogue management Chris-Eiji Mabrier Manuel Giuliani M.F. McTear. Spoken dialogue technology: enabling the conversational user interface. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Volume 34, Number 1. pages 90-169. 2002
10.12.12 Cognitive architectures Stefan Profanter Manuel Giuliani D. Vernon, G. Metta, G. Sandini. A survey of artificial cognitive systems: Implications for the autonomous development of mental capabilities in computational agents. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Volume 11, Number 2. pages 151-180. 2007

General Material