This lab course will cover various interesting topics of Computer Vision useful for Robotic applications. The participants will start by implementing some fundamental computer vision algorithms. These basic components will be iteratively expanded as the course progresses resulting in the creation of a full featured visual processing pipeline that in turn can be used to solve complex robotic tasks. Participants will then select a specific project from a range of final project topics to further expand their skills and knowledge in desired area of computer vision as the completion of this course. Throughout the course the implemented systems will be tested with real robotic data.
Selection of possibly covered Topics
Robot Operating System
Feature Detectors and Descriptors
Visual Odometry
3D Reconstruction
Binocular Stereo
General Information
The course will be held in English language if there is at least one non-German speaking participant. The materials will be in English language.
The number of possible participants is 12.
The course will be divided into two parts: Exercise sheets (~7 weeks) and final project
Requirements: Working knowledge in C++, basic knowledge in Computer Vision