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Address | Institut für Informatik VI Technische Universität München Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
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Curriculum Vitæ
Florian Walter received his Master’s degree in informatics with high distinction from Technische Universität München. During his Master studies, he completed an internship in the automotive industry and was a visiting student researcher in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University where he worked in the field of online trajectory generation for robotics. In August 2014, Florian joined the HBP SP10 Neurorobotics research group as research assistant where is now working in the field of neurobiological learning methods for robotics.Events
- Coorganizer of the IROS 2015 Workshop on Advances in Biologically Inspired Brain-Like Cognition and Control for Learning Robots
- Coorganizer of the Symposium on Brain-Supported Learning Algorithms for Robots at the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science 2015
- Coorganizer of the Symposium Neurorobotik at TUM on October 8 and October 9 2015
- Winter Semester 2015/2016: Echtzeitsysteme/Eingebettete vernetzte Systeme
- Summer Semester 2015: Kognitive Systeme
- Winter Semester 2014/2015: Echtzeitsysteme
- Summer Semester 2016: Advanced Machine Learning in Neurorobotics
- Summer Semester 2016: Kognitive Systeme
[1] | Gereon Hinz, Guang Chen, Muhammad Aafaque, Florian Rohrbein, Jorg Conradt, Zhenshan Bing, Zhongnan Qu, Walter Stechele, and Alois Knoll. Online multi-object tracking-by-clustering for intelligent transportation system with neuromorphic vision sensor. In the 40th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence(KI 2017), September 2017. [ .bib ] |
[2] | Biao Hu, Uzair Sharif, Rajat Koner, Guang Chen, Kai Huang, Feihu Zhang, Walter Stechele, and Alois Knoll. Random finite set based bayesian filtering with opencl in a heterogeneous platform. In Sensors, April 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[3] | Florian Walter, Florian Röhrbein, and Alois Knoll. Learning Techniques for Neurorobotics - A Survey on the Role of the Factor Time. In Florian Walter, Florian Röhrbein, Stefan Ulbrich, and Rüdiger Dillmann, editors, IROS 2015 Workshop on Advances in Biologically Inspired Brain-Like Cognition and Control for Learning Robots, October 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[4] | Florian Walter. Learning like the Brain: A Neuroscientific Perspective on Machine Learning and Robotics. In Japan-EU Workshop on Neurorobotics. Tokyo, April 2015. [ .bib ] |
[5] | Florian Walter and Florian Röhrbein. Neurorobotics: Learning from the Brain. In European Robotics Forum. Vienna, March 2015. [ .bib ] |
[6] | Florian Walter, Florian Röhrbein, and Alois Knoll. Neuromorphic implementations of neurobiological learning algorithms for spiking neural networks. Neural Networks, 72:152 - 167, 2015. Neurobiologically Inspired Robotics: Enhanced Autonomy through Neuromorphic Cognition. [ DOI | .bib ] |
[7] | Florian Röhrbein, Florian Walter, Cecilia Laschi, and Egidio Falotico. Brain-Supported Learning Algorithms for Robots. In Gabriella Airenti, Bruno G. Bara, Giulio Sandini, and Marco Cruciani, editors, Proceedings of the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science / 4th European Conference on Cognitive Science / 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science, Torino, Italy, September 25-27, 2015, volume 1419 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 11-12., 2015. [ .bib ] |
[8] | Florian Walter, Florian Röhrbein, and Alois Knoll. Computation by time. Neural Processing Letters, pages 1-22, 2015. [ DOI | .bib ] |
[9] | Florian Walter, Florian Röhrbein, Stefan Ulbrich, and Rüdiger Dillmann. Advances in Biologically Inspired Brain-Like Cognition and Control for Learning Robots. In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015), 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[10] | Mahmoud Akl, Florian Walter, and Florian Röhrbein. Learning spiking neural controllers for in-silico navigation experiments. Technical Report TUM-I1534, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |