Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

real-time systems / embedded networked systems WS 2016/17

Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Daniel Renjewski
Assistants Dr. Claus Lenz, Dr. Alejandro Mendoza, Morteza Hashemi,Biao Hu, Dr. Hardik Shah
Modul IN2060, IN8014
Type Lecture
Semester WS 2016/2017
ECTS 6.0 / 5.0
Language English
Hörerkreis/Audience Wahlfach für Studenten der Informatik (Bachelor,Informatik)
Vorlesung im Bereich Informatik II (Technische Informatik - Diplomstudiengang)
Wahlpflichtvorlesung im Gebiet Echtzeitsysteme und Robotik
Wahlpflichtvorlesung für Studenten der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Pflichtvorlesung für Studenten MW Richtung Mechatronic Bachelor/Masterstudiengang Informatik
International Exchange Students
Time & Location Do 16:00 - 18:00 MW 0001
Exercises Do 18:15 - 19:45 MW0001



Real-time systems are computer systems which interact with and control physical processes in a way that makes the timing of the result relevant for its correctness. Failure in delivering a result in time might at best invalidate the result but in certain applications, e.g. airbags, have catastrophic consequences. As real-time systems can be found in all areas of our every-day live as well as in many industrial applications, this lecture will provide the required knowledge in order to design real-time systems as found in robots, airplanes, medical devices, ... In the exercise this knowledge will provide additional hands-on training and introductions in order to consolidate the topics covered in the lecture.



Datum Exercise
|15.12.2016|Slides, ExerciseDescription, codeskeleton, solution