Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

ShanghAI Lectures WS 2011/12

Veranstalter Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois Knoll, Emmanuel Carlos Dean León ? , Ph.D., Manuel Giuliani, M.Sc.
Modul IN3150
Typ Vorlesung
Semester WS 2011/2012
ECTS 4.0
Hörerkreis Wahlfach für Studenten der Informatik
Zeit & Ort Do 09:00 - 11:00
Übungstermine Exercises on the ShanghAI website
Schein Oral exams



The ShanghAI Lectures on embodied intelligence will be broadcast by videoconference from University of Zurich to universities across the planet, complemented by 3D collaborative virtual environments and other community-building activities to promote interaction and cooperation among the participants.

The ShanghAI Lectures project is designed to contribute to the fundamental goal of making education and knowledge on cutting-edge scientific topics accessible to everyone on the planet. On the basis of state-of-the-art technology and novel methods of knowledge transfer and community building, it attempts to overcome the complexity of a multi-cultural and interdisciplinary learning context and bring global teaching to a new level.

We believe that global teaching can be a fantastic tool to create an intercultural discourse – to bring people from different backgrounds together, who would not otherwise share common activities.

The ShanghAI Lectures will be about embodied intelligence because humans – from the very beginning of their history – have always been fascinated by the topic and it is highly valued by our society. Embodiment has implications not only for science and technology – robotics, artificial intelligence, behavioral and neuroscience – but also for society at large. It will also change the way we view ourselves and the world around us.



The lectures are based on the book
"How the Body Shapes the Way We Think - A New View of Intelligence"
by Rolf Pfeifer and Josh C. Bongard
MIT Press
November 2006
ISBN 0-262-16239