Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Human-Robot Interaction

Veranstalter Manuel Giuliani, M.Sc., Dipl.-Inf. Thomas Müller
Modul IN2106
Typ Praktikum
Semester SS 2010
ECTS 10.0
Vorbesprechung If you have any questions, please contact Manuel Giuliani
Zeit & Ort Thursday 11am - 1pm, room 03.09.012
Schein erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Praktikum
Sprache Deutsch, Englisch




Organisational Issues


In this lab course we will give a basic introduction to human-robot interaction. For this we will use the robot Clara (see picture), which was developed for the European project JAST. In the exercises we will highlight the different parts of human-robot interaction, including interesting topics such as robot control, vision processing, speech understanding, and robot control architectures. At the end of the course, each team has to program a small application that should enable the robot to interact with a person in a reasonable way.