Research Associate | |
Room | Schleißheimer Strasse 90a, Garching-Hochbrück Room 0.008 |
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Address | Institut für Informatik VI Technische Universität München Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
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Curriculum Vitæ
[1] | Alexander Perzylo, Sascha Griffiths, Reinhard Lafrenz, and Alois Knoll. Generating grammars for natural language understanding from knowledge about actions and objects. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Zhuhai, China, December 2015. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[2] | Sascha Griffiths, Ciro Natale, Ricardo Araujo, Germano Veiga, Pasquale Chiacchio, Florian Röhrbein, Stefano Chiaverini, and Reinhard Lafrenz. The ECHORD project: A general perspective. In Florian Röhrbein, Germano Veiga, and Ciro Natale, editors, Gearing Up and Accelerating - Cross‐fertilization between Academic and Industrial Robotics Research in Europe: Technology transfer experiments from the ECHORD project, number 94 in Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, pages 1-24. Springer International Publishing, 2014. [ .bib ] |
[3] | Moritz Tenorth, Alexander Perzylo, Reinhard Lafrenz, and Michael Beetz. The RoboEarth language: Representing and exchanging knowledge about actions, objects and environments (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pages 3091-3095, Beijing, China, August 2013. Best papers and thesis in sister conferences track. (Invited Paper). [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[4] | Moritz Tenorth, Alexander Perzylo, Reinhard Lafrenz, and Michael Beetz. Representation and Exchange of Knowledge about Actions, Objects, and Environments in the RoboEarth Framework. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), 10(3):643-651, 2013. (Best Paper Award Finalist). [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[5] | Moritz Tenorth, Alexander Perzylo, Reinhard Lafrenz, and Michael Beetz. The RoboEarth language: Representing and exchanging knowledge about actions, objects and environments. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1284-1289, St. Paul, MN, USA, May 2012. (Best Cognitive Robotics Paper Award). [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[6] | Rainer Bischoff, Tim Guhl, Anne Wendel, Fariba Khatami, Herman Bruyninckx, Bruno Siciliano, Geoff Pegman, Martin Hägele, Erwin Prassler, Thilo Zimmermann, Jon Agirre Ibarbia, Christophe Leroux, Bruno Tranchero, Roberto Labruto, Alois Knoll, and Reinhard Lafrenz. eurobotics - shaping the future of european robotics. In ISR/ROBOTIK 2010, Proceedings for the joint conference of ISR 2010 (41st Internationel Symposium on Robotics) und ROBOTIK 2010 (6th German Conference on Robotics), 7-9 June 2010, Munich, Germany - Parallel to AUTOMATICA, pages 1-8. VDE Verlag, 2010. [ .bib | .pdf ] |