Assistant Professor (Professorship Cyber-Physical Systems) | |
Room | MI 03.07.053 |
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Address | Institut für Informatik VI Technische Universität München Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
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Curriculum Vitæ
Matthias Althoff received the diploma in Mechatronics and Information Technology from the department of mechanical engineering at the Technische Universität München, Germany, in 2005. He received his PhD degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering from the same university under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing./Univ. Tokio Martin Buss in 2010. From 2010 - 2012 he was a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, with a joint appointment in electrical engineering and the Robotics Institute. He joined the computer science department at Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, in 2012 as assistant professor for automation systems. Since 2013 Matthias Althoff is assistant professor in computer science at the Technische Universität München. His research interests include the design and analysis of cyber-physical systems, formal verification of continuous and hybrid systems, reachability analysis, planning algorithms, robust and fault-tolerant control. Main applications of his research are automated vehicles, robotics, power systems, and analog and mixed-signal circuits. full CVResearch Interests
- Formal verification of cyber-physical systems
- Automated vehicles
- Stability analysis of smart grids
- Analysis of analog/mixed-signal circuits
- Continuous Reachability Analyzer (CORA)
- Set-Based Prediction of Traffic Participants (SPOT)
- Composable benchmarks for motion planning on roads (CommonRoad)
- C++ code for online verification of automated vehicles
[1] | C. Stark, A. Pereira, and M. Althoff. Reachset conformance testing of human arms with a biomechanical model. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotic Computing, page to appear, 2018. [ .bib ] |
[2] | A. El-Guindy, Y. C. Chen, and M. Althoff. Compositional transient stability analysis of power systems via the computation of reachable sets. In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, pages 2536-2543, 2017. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[3] | A. El-Guindy, D. Han, and M. Althoff. Estimating the region of attraction via forward reachable sets. In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, pages 1263-1270, 2017. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[4] | A. Giusti and M. Althoff. Efficient computation of interval-arithmetic-based robust controllers for rigid robots. In Proc. First IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[5] | A. Giusti, J. Malzahn, N.G. Tsagarakis, and M. Althoff. Combined inverse-dynamics/passivity-based control for robots with elastic joints. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[6] | Stefanie Manzinger, Marion Leibold, and Matthias Althoff. Kooperative Bewegungsplanung autonomer Fahrzeuge unter Verwendung von Manöver-Templates. In ITS automotive nord e.V., editor, AAET - Automatisiertes und vernetztes Fahren, Beiträge zum gleichnamigen 18. Braunschweiger Symposium vom 8. und 9. Februar 2017, pages 348 - 367, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[7] | A. El-Guindy, K. Schaab, B. Schürmann, O. Stursberg, and M. Althoff. Formal LPV control for transient stability of power systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pages 1-5, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[8] | Silvia Magdici and Matthias Althoff. Adaptive cruise control with safety guarantees for autonomous vehicles. In Proc. of the World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[9] | Aaron Pereira and Matthias Althoff. A cartesian-space method for calculating human reachable occupancy. Technical Report TUM-I1759, Technische Universität München, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[10] | Bastian Schürmann and Matthias Althoff. Convex interpolation control with formal guarantees for disturbed and constrained nonlinear systems. In Proc. Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 121-130, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[11] | Bastian Schürmann and Matthias Althoff. Optimal control of sets of solutions to formally guarantee constraints of disturbed linear systems. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 2522-2529, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[12] | Bastian Schürmann and Matthias Althoff. Guaranteeing constraints of disturbed nonlinear systems using set-based optimal control in generator space. In Proc. of the 20th IFAC World Congress, pages 12020-12027, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[13] | M. Koschi and M. Althoff. SPOT: A tool for set-based prediction of traffic participants. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 1679-1686, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[14] | F. Hisch, A. Giusti, and M. Althoff. Robust control of continuum robots using interval arithmetic. In Proc. of the 20th IFAC World Congress, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[15] | Silvia Magdici; Zhenzhang Ye and Matthias Althoff. Determining the maximum time horizon for vehicles to safely follow a trajectory. In Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (accepted), 2017. [ .bib ] |
[16] | Bastian Schürmann, Daniel Heß, Jan Eilbrecht, Olaf Stursberg, Frank Köster, and Matthias Althoff. Ensuring drivability of planned motions using formal methods. In Proc. of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, pages 1661-1668, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[17] | M. Koschi and M. Althoff. Interaction-aware occupancy prediction of road vehicles. In Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 1885-1892, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[18] | M. Althoff, M. Koschi, and S. Manzinger. Commonroad: Composable benchmarks for motion planning on roads. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[19] | S. Söntges and M. Althoff. Computing possible driving corridors for automated vehicles. Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2017. to appear. [ .bib ] |
[20] | C. Pek, P. Zahn, and M. Althoff. Verifying the safety of lane change maneuvers of self-driving vehicles based on formalized traffic rules. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[21] | S. Manzinger, M. Leibold, and M. Althoff. Driving strategy selection for cooperative vehicles using maneuver templates. Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[22] | A. Pereira and M. Althoff. Overapproximative human arm occupancy prediction for collision avoidance. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, PP(99):1-14, 2017. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[23] | A. Giusti and M. Althoff. On-the-fly control design of modular robot manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2017. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[24] | M. Althoff, S. Bak, D. Cattaruzza, X. Chen, G. Frehse, R. Ray, and S. Schupp. ARCH-COMP17 category report: Continuous and hybrid systems with linear continuous dynamics. In Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems, pages 143-159, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[25] | X. Chen, M. Althoff, and F. Immler. ARCH-COMP17 category report: Continuous systems with nonlinear dynamics. In Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems, pages 160-169, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[26] | E. Icer, H. A. Hassan, K. El-Ayat, and M. Althoff. Evolutionary cost-optimal composition synthesis of modular robots considering a given task. In Proc. of the EEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2017. [ .bib ] |
[27] | A. Pereira and M. Althoff. Calculating human reachable occupancy for guaranteed collision-free planning. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, page to appear, 2017. [ .bib ] |
[28] | D. Beckert, A. Pereira, and M. Althoff. Online verification of multiple safety criteria for a robot trajectory. In Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), page accepted, 2017. [ .bib ] |
[29] | Davide Calzolari, Bastian Schürmann, and Matthias Althoff. Comparison of trajectory tracking controllers for autonomous vehicles. In Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 1675-1682, 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[30] | Albert Rizaldi, Jonas Keinholz, Monika Huber, Jochen Feldle, Fabian Immler, Matthias Althoff, and Eric Hilgendorf andTobias Nipkow. Formalising and monitoring traffic rules for autonomous vehicles in isabelle/hol. In integrated Formal Methods (iFM 2017), 2017. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[31] | Silvia Magdici and Matthias Althoff. Fail-safe motion planning of autonomous vehicles. In Proc. of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 452-458, November 1-4 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[32] | Matthias Althoff and Silvia Magdici. Set-based prediction of traffic participants on arbitrary road networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 1(2):187-202, June 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[33] | D. Han, A. El-Guindy, and M. Althoff. Power systems transient stability analysis via optimal rational Lyapunov functions. In Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[34] | A. El-Guindy, D. Han, and M. Althoff. Formal analysis of drum-boiler units to maximize the load-following capabilities of power plants. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(6):4691-4702, 2016. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[35] | E. Icer, A. Giusti, and M. Althoff. A task-driven algorithm for configuration synthesis of modular robots. In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 5203-5209, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[36] | Bastian Schürmann, Ahmed El-Guindy, and Matthias Althoff. Closed-form expressions of convex combinations. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 2795-2801, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[37] | A. Giusti and M. Althoff. Ultimate robust performance control of rigid robot manipulators using interval arithmetic. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[38] | Albert Rizaldi, Fabian Immler, and Matthias Althoff. A formally verified checker of the safe distance traffic rules for autonomous vehicles. In NASA Formal Methods - 8th International Symposium, NFM 2016, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 7-9, 2016, Proceedings, pages 175-190, 2016. [ DOI | .bib | .pdf ] |
[39] | D. Han, A. Rizaldi, A. El-Guindy, and M. Althoff. On enlarging backward reachable sets via zonotopic set membership. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[40] | D. Han and M. Althoff. On estimating the robust domain of attraction for uncertain non-polynomial systems: An LMI approach. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[41] | D. Han, A. El-Guindy, and M. Althoff. Estimating the domain of attraction based on the invariance principle. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[42] | E. Icer and M. Althoff. Cost-optimal composition synthesis for modular robots. In Proc. of the IEEE Multi-Conference on Control Applications (CCA), pages 1408-1413, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[43] | M. Althoff and D. Grebenyuk. Implementation of interval arithmetic in CORA 2016. In Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems, pages 91-105, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[44] | M. Althoff and R. Lösch. Can automated road vehicles harmonize with traffic flow while guaranteeing a safe distance? In Proc. of the 19th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[45] | M. Althoff and G. Frehse. Combining zonotopes and support functions for efficient reachability analysis of linear systems. In Proc. of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[46] | H. Roehm, J. Oehlerking, M. Woehrle, and M. Althoff. Reachset conformance testing of hybrid automata. In Proc. of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 277-286, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[47] | H. Roehm, J. Oehlerking, T. Heinz, and M. Althoff. STL model checking of continuous and hybrid systems. In Proc. of the 14th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[48] | Aaron Pereira and Matthias Althoff. Overapproximative arm occupancy prediction for human-robot co-existence built from archetypal movements. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 1394-1401, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[49] | Martijn J.A. Zeestraten, Aaron Pereira, Matthias Althoff, and Sylvain Calinon. Online motion synthesis with minimal intervention control and formal safety guarantees. In Proc. of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pages 002116-002121, 2016. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[50] | D. Han and M. Althoff. Control synthesis for non-polynomial systems: A domain of attraction perspective. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 1160-1167, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[51] | H.-S. L. Lee, M. Althoff, S. Hoelldampf, M. Olbrich, and E. Barke. Automated generation of hybrid system models for reachability analysis of nonlinear analog circuits. In Proc. of the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[52] | A. Pereira and M. Althoff. Safety control of robots under computed torque control using reachable sets. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pages 331-338, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[53] | A. Rizaldi, S. Söntges, and M. Althoff. On time-memory trade-off for collision detection. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[54] | M. Althoff. An introduction to CORA 2015. In Proc. of the Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems, pages 120-151, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[55] | S. Söntges and M. Althoff. Determining the nonexistence of evasive trajectories for collision avoidance systems. In Proc. of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[56] | D. Althoff, M. Althoff, and S. Scherer. Online safety verification of trajectories for unmanned flight with offline computed robust invariant sets. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[57] | A. Giusti and M. Althoff. Automatic centralized controller design for modular and reconfigurable robot manipulators. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[58] | A. Rizaldi and M. Althoff. Formalising traffic rules for accountability of autonomous vehicles. In Proc. of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[59] | G. Mesesan, E. Icer, and M. Althoff. Hierarchical genetic path planner for highly redundant manipulators. In Proc. of the Workshop on Task Planning for Intelligent Robots in Service and Manufacturing, 2015. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[60] | M. Althoff and J. M. Dolan. Online verification of automated road vehicles using reachability analysis. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 30(4):903-918, 2014. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[61] | M. Althoff and B. H. Krogh. Reachability analysis of nonlinear differential-algebraic systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59(2):371-383, 2014. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[62] | M. Althoff. Formal and compositional analysis of power systems using reachable sets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(5):2270-2280, 2014. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[63] | D. Heß, M. Althoff, and T. Sattel. Formal verification of maneuver automata for parameterized motion primitives. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 1474-1481, 2014. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[64] | D. Heß, M. Althoff, and T. Sattel. Comparison of trajectory tracking controllers for emergency situations. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 163-170, 2013. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[65] | M. Althoff, A. Rajhans, B. H. Krogh, S. Yaldiz, X. Li, and L. Pileggi. Formal verification of phase-locked loops using reachability analysis and continuization. Communications of the ACM, 56(10):97-104, 2013. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[66] | M. Althoff. Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems using conservative polynomialization and non-convex sets. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 173-182, 2013. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[67] | M. Althoff, D. Heß, and F. Gambert. Road occupancy prediction of traffic participants. In Proc. of the 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 99-105, 2013. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[68] | D. Heß, M. Althoff, and T. Sattel. Should collision avoidance systems use yaw stabilization? In Proc. of the 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 2058-2062, 2013. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[69] | M. Althoff and B. H. Krogh. Avoiding geometric intersection operations in reachability analysis of hybrid systems. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 45-54, 2012. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[70] | M. Althoff and J. M. Dolan. Reachability computation of low-order models for the safety verification of high-order road vehicle models. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 3559-3566, 2012. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[71] | M. Althoff, M. Cvetković, and M. Ilić. Transient stability analysis by reachable set computation. In Proc. of the IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, 2012. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[72] | M. J. Patil and M. Althoff. Energy-consistent, Galerkin approach for the nonlinear dynamics of beams using intrinsic equations. Journal of Vibration and Control, 17(11):1748-1758, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[73] | M. Althoff, A. Rajhans, B. H. Krogh, S. Yaldiz, X. Li, and L. Pileggi. Formal verification of phase-locked loops using reachability analysis and continuization. In Proc. of the Int. Conference on Computer Aided Design, pages 659-666, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[74] | M. Althoff, M. J. Patil, and J. P. Traugott. Nonlinear modeling and control design of active helicopter blades. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 57(1):1-11, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[75] | M. Althoff and A. Mergel. Comparison of Markov chain abstraction and Monte Carlo simulation for the safety assessment of autonomous cars. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12(4):1237-1247, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[76] | M. Althoff, C. Le Guernic, and B. H. Krogh. Reachable set computation for uncertain time-varying linear systems. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 93-102, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[77] | M. Althoff, B. H. Krogh, and O. Stursberg. Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, chapter Analyzing Reachability of Linear Dynamic Systems with Parametric Uncertainties, pages 69-94. Springer, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[78] | M. Althoff and B. H. Krogh. Zonotope bundles for the efficient computation of reachable sets. In Proc. of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 6814-6821, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[79] | M. Althoff and J. M. Dolan. Set-based computation of vehicle behaviors for the online verification of autonomous vehicles. In Proc. of the 14th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pages 1162-1167, 2011. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[80] | D. Brščić, M. Eggers, F. Rohrmüller, O. Kourakos, S. Sosnowski, D. Althoff, M. Lawitzky, A. Mörtl, M. Rambow, V. Koropouli, J.R. Medina Hernández, X. Zang, W. Wang, D. Wollherr, K. Kühnlenz, C. Mayer, T. Kruse, A. Kirsch, J. Blume, A. Bannat, T. Rehrl, F. Wallhoff, T. Lorenz, P. Basili, C. Lenz, T. Röder, G. Panin, W. Maier, S. Hirche, M. Buss, M. Beetz, B. Radig, A. Schubö, S. Glasauer, A. Knoll, and E. Steinbach. Multi Joint Action in CoTeSys - setup and challenges. Technical Report CoTeSys-TR-10-01, CoTeSys Cluster of Excelence: Technische Universität München & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, June 2010. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[81] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Computing reachable sets of hybrid systems using a combination of zonotopes and polytopes. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 4(2):233-249, 2010. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[82] | M. Althoff, D. Althoff, D. Wollherr, and M. Buss. Safety verification of autonomous vehicles for coordinated evasive maneuvers. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 1078-1083, 2010. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[83] | M. Althoff. Reachability Analysis and its Application to the Safety Assessment of Autonomous Cars. Dissertation, Technische Universität München, 2010. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[84] | D. Althoff, M. Althoff, D. Wollherr, and M. Buss. Probabilistic collision state checker for crowded environments. In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1492-1498, 2010. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[85] | S. Kraus, M. Althoff, B. Heißing, and M. Buss. Cognition and emotion in autonomous cars. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 635-640, 2009. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[86] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Safety assessment of driving behavior in multi-lane traffic for autonomous vehicles. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 893-900, 2009. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[87] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Safety assessment for stochastic linear systems using enclosing hulls of probability density functions. In Proc. of the European Control Conference, pages 625-630, 2009. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[88] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Model-based probabilistic collision detection in autonomous driving. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10:299 - 310, 2009. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[89] | M. Thuy, M. Goebl, F. Rattei, M. Althoff, F. Obermeier, S. Hawe, R. Nagel, S. Kraus, C. Wang, F. Hecker, M. Russ, M. Schweitzer, F. Puente León, G. Färber, M. Buss, K. Diepold, J. Eberspächer, B. Heißing, and H.-J. Wünsche. Kognitive Automobile: Neue Konzepte und Ideen des Sonderforschungsbereiches/TR-28. In Proc. of 3. Tagung Aktive Sicherheit durch Fahrerassistenz, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[90] | F. Rohrmüller, M. Althoff, D. Wollherr, and M. Buss. Probabilistic mapping of dynamic obstacles using Markov chains for replanning in dynamic environments. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 2504-2510, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[91] | M. Goebl, M. Althoff, M. Buss, G. Färber, F. Hecker, B. Heißing, S. Kraus, R. Nagel, F. Puente León, F. Rattei, M. Russ, M. Schweitzer, M. Thuy, C. Wang, and H.-J. Wünsche. Design and capabilities of the Munich cognitive automobile. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 1101-1107, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[92] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Sicherheitsbewertung von Fahrstrategien kognitiver Automobile. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 56:653-661, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[93] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Erreichbarkeitsanalyse von Verkehrsteilnehmern zur Verbesserung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen. In Proc. of 3. Tagung Aktive Sicherheit durch Fahrerassistenz, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[94] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Online-Analyse von Fahrstrategien kognitiver autonomer Fahrzeuge. In Proc. of Automatisierungssysteme, Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel (AAET), pages 314-330, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[95] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters using conservative linearization. In Proc. of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4042-4048, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[96] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Stochastic reachable sets of interacting traffic participants. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 1086-1092, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[97] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Verification of uncertain embedded systems by computing reachable sets based on zonotopes. In Proc. of the 17th IFAC World Congress, pages 5125-5130, 2008. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[98] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Reachability analysis of linear systems with uncertain parameters and inputs. In Proc. of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 726-732, 2007. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[99] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Online verification of cognitive car decisions. In Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 728-733, 2007. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[100] | M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss. Safety assessment of autonomous cars using verification techniques. In Proc. of the American Control Conference, pages 4154-4159, 2007. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[101] | M. J. Patil and M. Althoff. Energy-consistent, Galerkin approach for the nonlinear dynamics of beams using mixed, intrinsic equations. In Proc. of the 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2006. AIAA Paper 2006-1737. [ .bib | .pdf ] |
[102] | M. Althoff, M. J. Patil, and J. P. Traugott. Nonlinear modeling and control design of active helicopter blades. In Proc. of the 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2006. AIAA Paper 2006-2040. [ .bib | .pdf ] |